Coats of arms and flags

America / Bermuda

information, images, maps and more

Coats of arms and flags

Flag Of Bermuda

Coat Of Arms Of Bermuda

Location Of Bermuda

Map Of Bermuda

Capital: Hamilton
Coordinates: 32° 17' N 64° 46' O
Languages: Inglés
Government Type: Territorio de ultramar de Reino Unido
President: Richard Gozney
Total Surface: 53 kms2
Total Population: 67837 habs
Population Density: 1241 habs/km2
Currency: Dólar bermudeño (BM$, BMD)
Gentilic: Bermudeño, ña
Time Zone: UTC-4
Daylights Savings Time:
Internet Domain: .bm
Telephone Prefix: +1441
Iso Code: 060 / BMU / BM
Radiofonical Prefix:
King: Isabel II
GDP: 2 US$ millones
Per Capita Income: 36000 US$
Official Name: Bermudas
Motto: A donde el destino nos guíe

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